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Petkir Blog


Write Blog Posts

How I Write Blog Posts

Welcome to my blog post creation process! Here's a glimpse into how I bring ideas to life, blending text with AI-generated visuals for an immersive reader experience.

Idea Generation

The concepts and themes of my blog posts stem from my own experiences and insights gained through daily work.

Text Generation

To enhance readability and engagement, I utilize Copilot, an AI-powered code completion tool. Copilot suggests code snippets, text, and content based on the context of the blog post, enabling me to craft better and more engaging content.

How I Generate Images

I leverage various sources to create captivating visuals for my blog posts.

AI Generated Images

Utilizing the Copilot, I generate images that complement the content of the blog post. These AI-generated visuals are crafted from textual descriptions, adding a unique and illustrative dimension to the narrative.


Screenshots play a vital role in illustrating concepts directly from the systems I describe. While not AI-generated, they provide real-world examples and enhance the authenticity of the content.